Ben has a TV show that will be airing on Nation Geographic, November 15th. It's called Knights of Mayhem. (Full Contact Jousting) You can see the big add behind home plate at the World Series Baseball game Monday. We are so excited for My Ben and Jessica's Ben.
Rachel, Dan, Jack, Jane and Baby Ben came out to visit from Cambodia for two weeks. We had been anxiously awaiting their arrival! Jack is way smarter than me, Jane is hilarious, and Baby Ben is so yummy! I love his cute nose! We managed somehow to run out in our yard and get a few shots of their cuteness before they left. I already miss them!
Miles loves to draw. At Bella's school fieldtrip to the zoo. View of the awesome pool from our room in Vegas. Love this quote. was made all about my boy! Fell off the stairs and got 2 stitches. They are blue on his upper lip. Miles getting his stitches out. He freaked out when we walked in the room! Cousin Ben came to visit, and Miles gave him a warm welcome. Papa fixing Olea's bike. Started out just going to get pumpkins and ended up on a hey ride at Hee Haws. Not Rachaels favorite, but the kids ad fun;) love ya sis! Love him most! Sweet Jack and Jane! we had so much fun with them here, so sad to see my niece and nephew head back to Cambodia! Loving her sweet little four year old innocent self! Late night ice-cream with the ladies. Visiting Great Grandma Scarpino. Early morning church at Mom's. Miles first time to the nursery. He went about half way. Cutest vintage pony in the nursury. licking beaters on grandmas porch. She made waffles with huckelberry syrup and whipped cream. Picked apples with Grandma Fed the pigs. Two little mermaids. These are their costumes for Halloween. I couldn't convince them otherwise! Fall Festival at Bella's school. My break time.:) Trippin on his shadow.