Monday, October 26, 2009

The Tooth Fairy came!

I thought people were kidding when they say that you just tie a string to the tooth and door knob and slam the door to make the tooth come out, but its true and is very affective! Ben said that's the way his mom did it, so we called to confirm with her! it worked,and Bella was so brave!
The tooth fairy did come and in exchange for the baby tooth left one dollar bill, one quarter, one dime, one nickle, one penny, and one pack of bubble gum!


Rachael said...

Oh my gosh, I still have nightmares about the time my tooth DIDN'T come out! Way to go Bella you are so BRAVE!

Niki Carter said...

How in the world do you tie it??

michelle said...

LOL That is the best video I've seen in a while! You and Ben are 100x's more into that than Bella. What a brave girl to let you do that. Chloe had to get her top 2 pulled by the dentist b/c the other teeth were half grown in and the baby ones wouldn't fall out for anything! Once they start falling out it seems like they never stop, start saving up now haha =)

Leah said...

My favorite part of the whole thing is your voice when you say "Oh, there it is, right there." Dying.

Cardon Family said...

Oh my gosh! Doug and I are cracking up! We love Bella's face after her tooth really comes out and you and Ben are all excited but she is just standing there in pure shock still!!hahaha....good job Bella!